
Women may need to register for military draft

The Senate's version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes a provision that would require women to register for Selective Service, potentially changing military policy significantly. The amendment to the Military Selective Service Act is part of the section titled "Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce" in the NDAA.

There are differing opinions on this provision among lawmakers. Senator Josh Hawley expressed concerns about involuntarily drafting women into the military, while Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan believes it would streamline government processes and save money for taxpayers. Former first son Donald Trump Jr. criticized the move, suggesting that Democrats want to draft women for unpopular wars.

The NDAA also includes raises for military members and Department of Defense civilian workers. The bill was approved in committee by a vote of 22-3 and will now be debated and voted on by the full Senate. If passed, it will need to be reconciled with the House version of the bill in a conference committee before being sent to the President for signature.

The House version of the bill does not include the proposal to have women register for the draft, only requiring the automatic registration of men aged 18 to 26. Both the Senate and House will need to reconcile any differences in their versions of the bill before it can be signed into law.

Overall, the inclusion of women in Selective Service registration is a divisive issue that will need further debate and negotiation before a final version of the NDAA can be approved. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the bill in Congress.


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