
Senators ask Biden to limit US-China travel due to child pneumonia

Five Republican senators, including Marco Rubio, JD Vance, Rick Scott, Tommy Tuberville, and Mike Braun, have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to immediately restrict travel between the US and China. Citing China's "long history of lying about public health crises," the senators expressed concerns about the rise in pediatric pneumonia cases in the communist state. They argued that China's lack of transparency during the COVID-19 pandemic has deprived the US of vital knowledge in the past.

The senators also criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for its "track record of slavish deference to the Communist Party of China" and called for immediate action rather than waiting for the WHO to intervene. They referenced former President Donald Trump's travel restrictions from China in January 2020 as a precedent for such measures.

In addition to the situation in China, the senators highlighted cases of childhood pneumonia in the US, particularly in Ohio and Massachusetts. However, health officials have stated that there is no cause for alarm, and it is unknown if these US cases are related to the strain affecting China.

Federal officials, including a spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control, have stated that there is currently no link between the pneumonia cases in the US and the mysterious illness in China. They emphasized the need to continue monitoring pneumonia infections and other respiratory infections, working closely with local health officials to ensure appropriate responses.

The senators' letter reflects their concerns about China's handling of public health crises and their belief that immediate travel restrictions are necessary to protect the health of Americans and the US economy. However, it is important to note that federal officials have not identified a direct connection between the pneumonia cases in China and the US. As the situation unfolds, it will be crucial to gather more information and work collaboratively with international and domestic health organizations to address any potential risks.


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