
Protest at Brazil's Congress President's desk observed

On Sunday, supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro breached security barriers set up by the Brazilian Armed Forces in Brasília and gained access to the country’s congressional building, the Supreme Court, and the Planalto Presidential Palace. Footage from the scene showed large crowds moving up a ramp that leads to the congressional building, with other outlets showing protesters entering the Supreme Court and the presidential palace. Justice Minister Flavio Dino had authorized the Armed Forces to set up the barriers and guard the congressional building the day before in response to the continued presence of Bolsonaro supporters. Neither house of Congress was in session at the time of the breach, however, a team assembled for the newly-elected President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was working inside the palace. The US Embassy issued a warning to US citizens to avoid the areas surrounding the government buildings, and officials at Planalto Palace are waiting to be evacuated. Justice Minister Dino, as well as Federal District Security Secretary Anderson Torres, have condemned the actions of the protesters. President of the Worker’s Party Gleisi Hoffman called the breaches “a crime announced against democracy” and “against the will of the polls.”

On Sunday, supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro breached security barriers set up by the Brazilian Armed Forces in the nation's capital, Brasília. The breach resulted in access to the country’s congressional building, the Supreme Court, and the Planalto Presidential Palace. Footage shows large crowds in the area and protesters entering the government buildings. Justice Minister Flavio Dino had authorized the Armed Forces to set up the barriers and guard the congressional building the day before. Neither house of Congress was in session at the time of the breach, however, a team assembled for the newly-elected President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was working inside the palace. The US Embassy in Brazil issued a warning to US citizens to avoid the areas surrounding the government buildings, and officials at Planalto Palace are waiting to be evacuated. Justice Minister Dino, as well as Federal District Security Secretary Anderson Torres, have condemned the actions of the protesters. President of the Worker’s Party Gleisi Hoffman called the breaches “a crime announced against democracy” and “against the will of the polls.”


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