
Florida court dismisses Donald Trump's defamation lawsuit against CNN

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by former US President Donald Trump against CNN. In the lawsuit, Trump claimed that references made by the network to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election as "the Big Lie" were equivalent to comparing him to Adolf Hitler. Trump sought punitive damages of $475 million in the lawsuit, which was filed last October.

US District Judge Raag Singhal, who was appointed by Trump, ruled on Friday that the former president's defamation claims were unsuccessful because the references made by CNN were opinions and not factual statements. The judge also stated that it was a stretch to believe that viewers would connect the phrase "the Big Lie" to Nazi propaganda or Hitler's regime. He concluded that CNN's use of the phrase did not imply that Trump advocated for the persecution or genocide of any group of people.

Trump's attorneys in South Florida and Washington were contacted for comment, but no response has been received. CNN declined to comment on the matter.

This dismissal comes as Trump is considering a run for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, marking his third attempt at the presidency. The lawsuit was seen by some as an attempt to protect his reputation and political career.

This ruling by Judge Singhal indicates that Trump's defamation claims against CNN were unsupported, as the references made by the network were deemed to be opinions rather than factual statements. The judge also commented that it was unlikely that viewers would connect the phrase "the Big Lie" to Nazi propaganda or Hitler's regime. The dismissal of this lawsuit may have implications for Trump's future political endeavors, particularly as he considers running for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.


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