
Brazil Attorney General investigates building breaches

Yesterday, Brazil's Attorney General's office announced an investigation into the events that occurred on Sunday, when supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro breached the security barriers set up by the Armed Forces to gain access to the country’s congressional building, Supreme Court and Planalto Presidential Palace. In response to the breach, the US Embassy in Brazil issued a warning to US citizens to avoid the areas surrounding the country’s government buildings in Brasilia.

The breach of the government buildings prompted condemnation from Brazil's Justice Minister Flavio Dino and Federal District Security Secretary Anderson Torres. President of the Worker’s Party, Gleisi Hoffman, also spoke out against the breach, calling it “a crime against democracy” and “against the will of the polls.”

At this time, the Attorney General's office is investigating all involved in the breaching of the government buildings, including Bolsonaro’s supporters. The US Embassy has warned US citizens to avoid the areas surrounding the buildings in Brasilia.


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