In a devastating incident in Baltimore, the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed into the Patapsco River after being struck by a container ship. The collapse resulted in dozens of people and vehicles plunging into the frigid waters, sparking a frantic search and rescue operation by Baltimore fire and rescue teams, Coast Guard ships, local police boats, and volunteer divers.
Initial reports indicated that at least two people were rescued from the water, with one individual sustaining serious injuries. The number of missing individuals remains uncertain, with rescue workers searching for potentially seven or more people. The White House ruled out terrorism as a cause of the crash.
The container ship involved in the collision, the Dali, had left Baltimore's Seagirt Marine Terminal before the incident. The crew members on board the ship were unharmed and are being questioned by the Coast Guard. Structural engineers noted that the ship appeared to have strayed off course, causing the collision with the bridge support.
The collapse of the bridge, which opened in 1977 and carries around 30,000 vehicles daily, has led to a state of emergency declaration in Maryland by Governor Wes Moore. The bridge's collapse has disrupted traffic and caused a significant impact on the city's infrastructure.
As the search and rescue efforts continue, the focus remains on rescuing and recovering individuals affected by the incident. The cause of the collision and collapse is under investigation, with the priority being the safety and well-being of those involved. The aftermath of this tragic event will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the Baltimore community.