
Therapy often more effective than medication for insomnia-related sleep issues

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) has been proven to be the most effective treatment for individuals struggling with sleep issues. Insomnia affects approximately one in four adults in the United States each year, with one in ten adults experiencing chronic insomnia. This chronic condition is defined by difficulty falling or staying asleep at least three times a week for three months or longer.

Insufficient sleep not only leads to physical health problems but can also negatively impact mental health. Research has shown a link between poor sleep health and depressive symptoms, as well as an increase in anxiety and distress. CBT-I, however, offers a well-studied and proven treatment option that can provide relief in as few as eight sessions.

Despite the effectiveness of CBT-I, many individuals turn to medication as their first line of defense against insomnia. More than 8 percent of adults reported taking sleep medication daily or most days to aid their sleep, according to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control. However, studies have found that CBT-I is as effective as sleep medications in the short term and more effective in the long term.

Sleep aids can carry risks, particularly for older individuals, who may experience issues such as falls, memory problems, or confusion. In contrast, CBT-I is considered safe for adults of all ages and can even be adapted for use in children.

CBT-I focuses on more than just sleep hygiene. While it does address behaviors that hinder sleep, such as daytime naps or using electronic devices before bed, it also aims to address anxieties and negative beliefs about sleep. By teaching relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and mindfulness meditation, and promoting realistic expectations about sleep habits, CBT-I helps individuals view their bed as a place for restful sleep.

Finding a CBT-I provider may be challenging due to the limited number of clinicians trained in behavioral sleep medicine. However, self-directed online CBT-I programs have been found to be as effective as in-person counseling. There are several low-cost or free resources available, such as the Conquering Insomnia program, the Insomnia Coach app, and Sleepio.

In conclusion, CBT-I offers a proven alternative to medication for individuals struggling with insomnia. Its effectiveness in both the short and long term, coupled with its safety and adaptability, make it a valuable treatment option. Whether seeking a provider or utilizing self-directed programs, CBT-I can help individuals regain restful and rejuvenating sleep.


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