The wave of marijuana legalizations that began in 2012 in Colorado and Washington has led to higher rates of depression and addiction, according to recent studies. Currently, nearly 40 states have lifted restrictions on marijuana, with 23 states allowing recreational use. The Biden administration is now seeking to demote marijuana from its Schedule I status to Schedule III, a move that would pave the way for federal decriminalization.
While marijuana has been touted for its potential benefits in pain relief and anxiety treatment, researchers have found that consistent use can lead to a range of health risks, including major depression, poor sleep, and dependence. Studies have shown that chronic marijuana use can quadruple the risk of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and can trigger the onset of schizophrenia and psychotic breaks. There have also been reports of high-potency marijuana vapes causing psychotic breaks and suicidal thoughts.
Contrary to popular belief, marijuana can be addictive. Research estimates that 21 percent of marijuana users have become addicted, with addiction rates doubling among those who started using the drug in their teenage years. The availability of highly potent strains and vapes has increased the addiction risk, as frequent use builds up tolerance and users need higher doses to achieve the same high.
Regular marijuana use can also disrupt sleep, making it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Daily users are more likely to suffer from insomnia compared to non-users. Pregnant women who use marijuana put themselves and their unborn babies at risk of complications, including stillbirths, pre-term births, and developmental issues.
Furthermore, marijuana use has been linked to coronary artery disease and lung disease. It can cause the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise, increasing the risk of developing CAD. Marijuana smokers are also slightly more likely to develop lung disease compared to cigarette smokers.
While there are potential benefits to marijuana use, such as pain relief for cancer patients, it is important to consider the risks associated with consistent and heavy use. As access to potent cannabis products expands, it is crucial to expand prevention, screening, and treatment for people who may experience mental illnesses associated with cannabis use. The Biden administration's move to downgrade marijuana's classification is a significant step towards federal decriminalization, but it is important to continue studying the potential risks and benefits of marijuana use.