
Regular walks reduce lower back pain

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 4 months ago

A recent study published in The Lancet highlights the benefits of walking for individuals who have recently experienced low back pain. The study, led by Dr. Tash Pocovi of Macquarie University, Australia, found that regular walking significantly reduced the risk of future episodes of low back pain and the need for healthcare visits. Participants who walked regularly reported improved quality of life, sleep, and mood compared to those in the control group.

Low back pain is a common and challenging condition to treat, affecting millions of people globally. Dr. Pocovi emphasized the importance of focusing on prevention rather than just treatment, as many individuals who recover from an episode of low back pain are likely to experience a recurrence within a year. The personalized walking program in the study involved education sessions with a physiotherapist and resulted in reduced pain that limited activity, longer periods between recurrences, and improved overall health and lifestyle for participants.

While walking is a beneficial exercise for individuals experiencing low back pain, caution should be taken to ensure that individuals do not overexert themselves, especially if they are experiencing moderate to severe pain. Dr. Neel Anand, an orthopedic spine surgeon, advised individuals to start slowly and gradually increase their walking duration and frequency. Dr. Joel S. Beckett, a neurological spine surgeon, also emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, practicing good posture, and avoiding prolonged sitting to reduce the risk of low back pain.

Overall, the study underscores the positive impact that walking can have on individuals with low back pain, not only in reducing pain and healthcare visits but also in improving overall quality of life, sleep, and mood. Walking is a simple and accessible intervention that can play a significant role in managing and preventing low back pain for many individuals.


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