
Possible Hair Loss Treatment Found Utilizing MicroRNA

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

Scientists may have made a breakthrough in the treatment of hair loss, according to a recent study published in the journal PNAS. The study found that increasing the production of a specific type of microRNA could potentially aid in hair growth and regeneration. This microRNA softens hair follicle cells, which become stiffer over time and contribute to age-related hair loss.

Hair loss, particularly male pattern baldness, is a common issue among men. About two-thirds of men will experience a significant amount of hair loss by the age of 35, and by age 50, this figure rises to 85%. Additionally, a quarter of men will start losing hair before they even reach the age of 21.

The study's findings have been met with cautious optimism by experts. Dr. Michele Green, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, explains that the study may have identified a breakthrough in hair regeneration using microRNA, specifically miR-205. RNA, which is present in all living cells, acts as a messenger to regulate protein production. By increasing the production of miR-205, the stem cells in hair follicles can be softened, leading to increased hair growth in both young and old mice.

While the results of this study are promising, it is important to note that more research is needed, particularly in humans, before any conclusions can be drawn. Current FDA-approved treatments for hair loss include minoxidil, finasteride, laser light therapy, and platelet-rich plasma. These treatments work through different mechanisms, such as stimulating circulation, inhibiting hormones, or promoting tissue regeneration.

Dr. Ken L. Williams, Jr., a hair surgeon, emphasizes that it is too early to determine the final outcomes or medical translation of these findings. However, if a new treatment does come to fruition, it could significantly advance hair restoration. Dr. Green suggests that researchers will likely explore a topical treatment that delivers microRNA directly into the skin.

In conclusion, while the potential for a new hair loss treatment using microRNA is exciting, it is important to remain cautious until further research is conducted. The study's findings in mice provide a promising starting point, but more studies are needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of this treatment in humans.


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