
Newest, most detailed description of human brain revealed

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 9 months ago

Researchers have recently created the most detailed description of the human brain to date, consisting of thousands of different cell types. Known as the human brain cell atlas, this resource provides a precise genetic and molecular understanding of the brain. The data for the atlas was gathered from samples taken from deceased adults, children, embryos, fetuses, as well as chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys to shed light on brain evolution.

This effort has been likened to the Human Genome Project and is expected to pave the way for further research into neurological and mental health conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, and schizophrenia. By providing a comprehensive map of the brain, researchers can better understand these conditions and potentially develop new treatments.

Previous attempts to visualize the brain have relied on techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can only visualize structures larger than 1 millimeter. The human brain cell atlas, on the other hand, allows for analysis at a much smaller scale by identifying cell types from over 100 different brain regions.

The identification of different brain cell types has been challenging until the advent of single-cell sequencing. This technique analyzes the genetic material of a single cell to determine which genes are active, providing insights into the proteins being produced. Over the years, single-cell sequencing techniques have advanced, leading to the funding of two initiatives by the US National Institutes of Health.

These initiatives aimed to create a detailed description of all the different cell types in the human brain and identify their locations, resulting in a set of 24 papers published in October. The first draft of the atlas involved sequencing millions of brain cells from multiple research teams. In total, 3,313 different types of brain cells were identified.

This new resource has already started to provide insights into various medical conditions, with geneticists mapping disease genes to the atlas. The ultimate goal is to understand brain function and develop therapies for brain disorders. Researchers may use these tools to study specific cell and circuit activity to further our knowledge of the healthy brain and potentially develop novel treatments.

In summary, the human brain cell atlas is a groundbreaking resource that provides a detailed description of the various cell types in the brain. It offers a genetic and molecular understanding of the brain and has the potential to advance our knowledge of neurological and mental health conditions, leading to new treatments in the future.


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