
Men and women display unique cardiac arrest symptoms

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

A recent study published in Lancet Digital Health has found that the warning signs of cardiac arrest can vary depending on a person's sex. The study analyzed data from individuals who had used emergency medical services for cardiac arrest, as well as a control group with similar symptoms. The researchers discovered that most women who had a cardiac arrest experienced shortness of breath prior to the event, while the majority of men reported chest pain.

Cardiac arrest has a high mortality rate, making the identification and response to early warning signs crucial for saving lives. The researchers hope that their findings will lead to improved prediction and early intervention strategies to increase survival rates. Dr. Sumeet S. Chugh, senior author of the study, emphasized the importance of individuals paying attention to their symptoms and calling 911 early to increase the likelihood of survival.

The study also highlighted other symptoms commonly associated with cardiac arrest. Men frequently reported chest pain, difficulty breathing, and sweating leading up to their attacks. Women, on the other hand, predominantly reported shortness of breath. Other symptoms such as dizziness, abdominal pain, weakness, and nausea or vomiting were more frequently reported in the group of people who did not have a cardiac arrest.

Previous research has also identified sex differences in how individuals present with a heart attack. These new findings further emphasize the need to take early warning signs seriously in order to improve health outcomes. However, the report noted that only 19% of people called 911 for early warning signs before experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

It is crucial for individuals to act upon these symptoms and seek emergency medical services promptly. The speed of resuscitation is critical in cases of cardiac arrest, and those who contact emergency services at the onset of warning symptoms have a significantly higher chance of survival. The challenge lies in distinguishing these symptoms from other less severe health issues. Therefore, there is a need for better identification and awareness of the specific warning signs of cardiac arrest.

In conclusion, recognizing and responding to early warning signs of cardiac arrest can be life-saving. The symptoms can vary depending on a person's sex, with women more likely to experience shortness of breath and men more likely to experience chest pain. Further research and education are necessary to improve the identification and response to these warning signs, potentially preventing cardiac arrest and improving survival rates.


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