
Hormone Injection May Increase Sex Drive for Both Genders

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

Recent research suggests that kisspeptin, a naturally occurring hormone, may be a potential treatment for low sex drive in both men and women. Two studies published in the journal JAMA Network Open have demonstrated that the hormone can increase responses to sexual stimuli and enhance brain pathways related to attraction in study subjects.

The research team from Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust found that men with intact sexual desire treated with kisspeptin experienced enhanced responses to sexual stimuli and had increased activity in attraction-related brain pathways. Women who received the hormone responded more positively to erotic videos and reported feeling “more sexy”.

The researchers noted that current treatment options for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) among men and women range from limited to nonexistent and that kisspeptin could provide a potential safe and effective therapy. The hormone is known to stimulate sex hormones in the body, and while it doesn’t directly treat erectile dysfunction, it can be used to address arousal.

Additional research is necessary to determine the long-term impact of kisspeptin, as well as to explore the effects of sexual assault or child sexual abuse, as they are known to impact sexual pleasure and interest.

The potential of kisspeptin as a treatment for low sex drive in both men and women is encouraging, yet further research is needed to ascertain the long-term effects of the hormone and its potential to aid those who have experienced sexual trauma. The results of the two studies published in JAMA Network Open are promising and suggest that kisspeptin could be a safe and effective therapy for hypoactive sexual desire disorder.


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