
Exercise may increase pain tolerance

  • 1 Min To Read
  • a year ago

A new study from Norway suggests that physically active individuals have a higher pain tolerance than their sedentary counterparts. The study analyzed data from over 10,000 adults who participated in a large population survey conducted periodically in Norway, examining participants’ self-reported levels of physical activity and their levels of pain tolerance. Pain tolerance was tested by submersing a hand in cold water. Those who reported being physically active had higher pain tolerance than those who reported a sedentary lifestyle. Participants with higher total activity levels also had higher pain tolerance. The study's authors suggest that boosting physical activity could be a potential strategy for easing or staving off chronic pain. While the researchers did not find a statistically significant relationship between activity level and changes in pain tolerance between the two rounds of the study, they suggest that the findings suggest that remaining physically active, becoming active or boosting activity is linked to higher pain tolerance. Future research is needed to confirm whether there is indeed a cause-and-effect relationship between activity and pain. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends physical activity for its numerous benefits.


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