
Exercise benefits women's health more than men's

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 8 months ago

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that women may reap more benefits from exercise than men. The study found that women who engaged in the same amount of physical activity as men experienced a greater reduction in the risk of early death. This finding challenges the current one-size-fits-all exercise recommendations and suggests that sex-based guidelines may better reflect the benefits of exercise.

According to the study, women who exercised for 140 minutes per week reduced their risk of early death by 18%, while men had to exercise for 300 minutes to achieve the same reduction. The benefits of exercise varied based on the intensity and duration of physical activity, with women consistently experiencing greater protection than men.

The researchers analyzed survey data from over 400,000 people collected between 1997 and 2017 and linked it to a national database of deaths. The study excluded individuals with pre-existing heart conditions or other health issues. While the findings are based on self-reported exercise habits and may lack certainty, they highlight the need for further research on sex-based differences in exercise.

Experts suggest that personalized exercise prescriptions based on sex and other factors may be more effective in promoting physical activity and reducing the risk of early death. The study also emphasized the importance of considering physiological and hormonal differences between men and women when developing exercise recommendations.

Overall, the study's findings may provide motivation for women to engage in more leisure-time physical activity and encourage physically active women to increase their exercise engagement. By understanding the unique benefits of exercise for women, individuals can tailor their workout routines to improve their overall health and well-being.


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