
Disease Time in Nature may benefit Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

  • 1 Min To Read
  • 2 years ago

A recent study conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has revealed a potential connection between living in an area with easy access to green spaces and a slower progression of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

The study looked at hospital admissions for the two neurological illnesses among nearly 62 million seniors over a 16 year period. Researchers found that those who lived in areas with more parks and rivers had a lower risk of hospitalization. While the study did not explain why this link exists, experts have suggested that living in a greener environment can reduce stress, air pollution, and extreme heat, as well as provide settings for physical activity and socialization. Furthermore, those living in greener areas tend to be more physically active, which has been linked to long-term preservation of motor function.

These findings could be of great importance to millions of Americans, given the prevalence of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in the country. Further research is necessary to explore the exact implications of this connection and how people can best benefit from living in greener environments.


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