
Art improves mental health

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

Art has been known to improve one's mental health, and several studies have backed up this claim. It's not just creating art, but attending a concert or visiting a museum can also benefit one's mental health. Creating art can be as simple as trying the three-drawing technique, where one quickly draws themselves, followed by drawing themselves with their biggest problem, and finally drawing themselves after their problem has been solved. This exercise helps with self-discovery and gives people agency in their own healing. Coloring within intricate patterns, such as a mandala, can also help reduce anxiety. Research shows that listening to music, playing an instrument, or singing can be beneficial. Singing, in particular, can reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone that the body releases when it is under stress. Writing poetry can also improve one's mental health, and anyone can write poetry, according to Dr. Frank Clark, a psychiatrist who started writing poetry when he was struggling with depression. He suggests starting with a simple haiku and involving friends in the process.

Overall, there is a "really robust body of evidence" that suggests that the arts can benefit one's mental health, according to Jill Sonke, research director of the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine. It's important to reconnect with the dancing, creative writing, drawing, and singing that we used to enjoy as children. Art can be a missing piece in a person's "wellness puzzle," as it was for Dr. Clark. Anyone can benefit from these simple ways to elevate their mood with the arts, and it doesn't require any talent.


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