Francis Ford Coppola, the acclaimed director behind iconic films such as "The Godfather" and "Apocalypse Now," is facing controversy surrounding his upcoming film "Megalopolis." The trailer for the movie was recently pulled by Lionsgate after it was discovered that it featured fake or misattributed quotes from long-dead movie critics.
The quotes in question were intended to paint Coppola as a misunderstood genius, but they turned out to be either completely fabricated or taken out of context. Critics such as Andrew Sarris and Vincent Canby were falsely attributed negative reviews of Coppola's past work, while quotes from Pauline Kael and Roger Ebert were also misrepresented.
Coppola and actor Adam Driver premiered "Megalopolis" at the Cannes Film Festival in May, where it received mixed reviews. The film is set to hit theaters on Sept. 27 and boasts a star-studded cast including Driver, Shia LaBeouf, and Dustin Hoffman.
In addition to the controversy surrounding the fake quotes in the trailer, Coppola was accused earlier this year of inappropriately kissing extras on set without their consent. One of the extras, Lauren Pagone, spoke out about her experience, stating that she was caught off guard by Coppola's actions.
Coppola denied any wrongdoing, claiming that he is "too shy" to engage in such behavior. Despite this, the allegations have added another layer of complexity to the already tumultuous lead-up to the release of "Megalopolis."
It remains unclear whether Lionsgate used AI to generate the fake quotes for marketing purposes, as the studio has not responded to requests for comment. As the release date approaches, audiences will have to decide for themselves whether to support the film amidst the ongoing controversies surrounding its creator.