Actor Vin Diesel, known for his role in the "Fast and Furious" franchise, has been accused of sexual battery by his former assistant. Astra Jonasson filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles, alleging that Diesel forced himself onto her in a hotel suite in Atlanta in 2010. According to the lawsuit, Jonasson tried to escape the room after being forced into Diesel's bed, but he groped her breasts and kissed her chest. The suit further claims that Diesel attempted to remove her underwear, and eventually forced her to touch his erect penis and masturbate him. Jonasson felt like she was being treated as a "piece of trash" and her self-esteem was "demolished."
Jonasson was fired hours later by Diesel's sister, Samantha Vincent, who is also the president of his production company. The lawsuit argues that Jonasson's termination was a result of her resistance to Diesel's sexual assault.
Jonasson is suing Diesel and his company for creating a hostile work environment, negligent supervision, and wrongful termination, among other claims. Diesel's representatives have not yet responded to a request for comment.
Jonasson's attorney, Claire-Lise Kutlay, stated that the lawsuit aims to hold Diesel and those who covered up the alleged sexual assault accountable for their actions. Kutlay also expressed hope that Jonasson's decision to come forward will empower other survivors and lead to lasting change.
Vin Diesel has played the character Dominic Toretto in the "Fast and Furious" franchise since its first film in 2001. The franchise has been highly successful, with the past two films each grossing over $1 billion at the box office. Diesel's most recent film in the franchise, "Fast X," opened with $67.5 million in ticket sales earlier this year.