
"Am I Racist?" is the top grossing documentary of the decade

The documentary film "Am I Racist?" by Matt Walsh has made headlines as it has become the top-grossing documentary of the past decade. With a production budget of $3 million, the film has brought in an impressive $11.9 million at the box office. Premiering on September 13, the Daily Wire production has garnered widespread attention and success.

The film focuses on exposing what Walsh describes as the grift of the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) industry. It has received praise for its approach and has resonated with audiences, earning a 97% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes with over 2,500 verified reviews. Despite its popularity, mainstream critics have yet to review the film.

"Am I Racist?" marks The Daily Wire's first theatrical release, with Walsh previously starring in the documentary "What Is a Woman?" in 2022. Directed by Justin Folk, the film has seen strong support from audiences and notable figures such as podcast host Joe Rogan and YouTube movie reviewer Jeremy Jahns.

However, the film has also faced some backlash, with DEI activists featured in the film, such as "White Fragility" author Robin DiAngelo, deleting their social media accounts following its release. Walsh has expressed frustration at mainstream critics for ignoring the film despite its success, suggesting that they may be afraid of its content.

Overall, "Am I Racist?" has proven to be a thought-provoking and controversial film that has captured the attention of audiences and sparked conversation around issues of race and identity. It is currently showing in theaters and continues to draw in viewers.


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