
Alex Jones will sell assets to compensate Sandy Hook families

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has made a significant legal move, agreeing to liquidate his personal assets in response to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims. The families are seeking over $1.5 billion in damages from Jones for his false claims about the 2012 school massacre. This decision could ultimately lead to Jones no longer owning Infowars, the conspiracy media empire he founded in the late 1990s.

Jones had previously resisted converting his personal bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation, but mounting legal pressure pushed him to change course. His lawyers stated that there was no reasonable prospect for a successful reorganization and that continuing the bankruptcy proceedings would only result in additional expenses for Jones.

Attorneys representing the Sandy Hook families welcomed the move, as it could hasten the end of the bankruptcies and facilitate the liquidation of Jones' assets, including his ownership in Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Infowars. While Jones has not controlled Infowars for some time due to the company's bankruptcy protection, the court-appointed trustee now has the authority to sell the business to another owner.

A hearing is scheduled for next Friday to determine the fate of Free Speech Systems' bankruptcy. Regardless of the outcome, the liquidation of Jones' personal assets does not necessarily mean the end of Infowars. Various possibilities exist for the future of the media company, depending on the actions of the court-appointed trustee.


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