
Pharmaceutical firms can discuss drug price negotiations publicly under Medicare

In a recent development, Medicare has announced that it will no longer require pharmaceutical companies to maintain confidentiality during drug price negotiations. The decision comes after the industry argued that the requirement violated the First Amendment. Previously, Medicare had prohibited companies from publicly disclosing the initial lower price offered by the government for drugs targeted under the program, as well as the reasons behind that price selection. Companies were also forbidden from sharing any verbal conversations during the negotiation period and were required to destroy any related information within 30 days if the drug was no longer selected for negotiations.

This change in guidance allows companies to choose whether to publicly disclose ongoing negotiations. It is important to note that this decision is a result of the Inflation Reduction Act passed last year, which gave Medicare the authority to directly negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies for the first time. The Biden administration has identified this program as a key strategy to address the issue of rising drug prices in the United States.

However, the pharmaceutical industry has responded by filing lawsuits arguing that the drug price negotiations are unconstitutional. Companies such as Merck, Bristol Myers Squibb, and the industry lobbying group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America claim that the requirement for confidentiality amounts to a gag order that infringes on their First Amendment rights. These lawsuits also raise broader concerns about due process and the seizure of private property without just compensation under the Fifth Amendment.

Despite the legal challenges, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra has expressed his determination to continue with the negotiations. Becerra highlighted the record profits that pharmaceutical companies have made and emphasized the administration's commitment to securing better drug prices for families.

By September, HHS will release a list of 10 high-cost drugs selected for negotiation, and companies will have the following month to decide whether to participate. Non-participating companies may face significant financial penalties, although they can avoid these penalties by withdrawing from Medicare and Medicaid drug rebate programs. However, the industry argues that such a move is not feasible since these programs account for a substantial portion of the nation's annual spending on prescription drugs.

Overall, this development in Medicare's drug price negotiations has sparked legal disputes between the pharmaceutical industry and the government. The outcome of these lawsuits will have significant implications for the future of drug pricing in the United States.


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