
Burning Man sues over geothermal project

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is facing a lawsuit from Burning Man and several environmental groups over its approval of a geothermal exploration project in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. The plaintiffs allege the BLM violated the National Environmental Policy Act and other laws when it conducted a limited environmental review that only considered the project's impacts on Gerlach, a nearby town of 100 people.

Burning Man argues that the BLM's approval for the developer Ormat to develop 19 geothermal drilling exploration wells and build 2.8 miles of roads ignored potential environmental harms, including depleting the natural hot springs directly adjacent to the project site. In response to the lawsuit, the Biden administration has stated its goal to expand the use of geothermal energy in order to transition away from planet-warming fossil fuels.

The lawsuit is challenging the BLM's environmental review for failing to consider the impacts of the project, which could be significant. A decision on the case is pending.

The BLM's approval of a geothermal exploration project in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada is facing a legal challenge from Burning Man and environmental groups. The lawsuit alleges that the environmental review conducted by the BLM was limited and failed to consider potential environmental harms, including depleting the natural hot springs directly adjacent to the project site. The Biden administration has a goal to expand the use of geothermal energy as part of a transition away from fossil fuels. The case is currently pending.


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