Apple has announced the upcoming release of updated iPad Pro and Air models, set to hit the market later this month. The new devices were introduced during a product event called "Let Loose" held by the tech giant on Tuesday.
The new iPad Pro boasts a thin and light design, an Ultra Retina XDR display, and will be powered by an M4 chip. Apple highlighted that the new display will offer a capability of 1,000 nits of full-screen brightness for both SDR and HDR content. Additionally, the company emphasized that the new hardware built into the iPad Pro will make it "outrageously powerful" for artificial intelligence uses.
As for the new iPad Air, it is described as being more powerful and versatile than ever. It features a Liquid Retina display, the M2 chip, incredible AI capabilities, and a colorful, portable design with support for new accessories. The front-facing camera has been relocated to the landscape edge of the device.
Both the iPad Pro and Air are available for pre-order and are expected to be in stores on May 15. The starting price for the 11-inch iPad Pro is $999, while the 13-inch version starts at $1,299. The 11-inch iPad Air starts at $599, with the 13-inch version priced at $799. Customers will have color options to choose from for both models.
In addition to the new iPads, Apple also unveiled a new Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard. These product releases follow other recent launches from the tech giant, including revamped MacBook Airs, iMac, and MacBook Pros, as well as the debut of the Vision Pro headset, marking Apple's first entry into a new product category in nine years.